Train the Trainer Training

From: £200.00

This qualification is aimed at team members responsible for training of others on the job. Often team members are promoted because they are good at what they do. That promotion requires them to get others to work to that standard. Understanding how people learn and how to successfully train them will unlock this potential and deliver consistency of standards.

We run courses in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dumfries or at other locations by arrangement. 

Contact Us for booking and availability
Funding may be available - Contact us

Funding Enquiry

I have read and accept the DG Training data protection policy.

Attendee #1
Attendee #2
Attendee #3
Attendee #4
Attendee #5
Attendee #6
Attendee #7
Attendee #8
Attendee #9
Attendee #10
Attendee #11
Attendee #12
Attendee #13
Attendee #14
Attendee #15
Attendee #16
Attendee #17
Attendee #18
Attendee #19
Attendee #20

Course Objectives

On completion of this course delegates will be able to:

  • Write specific objectives and measure achievement of the objectives
  • Be able to design and conduct a training session using instructional techniques and appropriate visual aids
  • State benefits of alternative learning methods and recognise situations where they could be employed

Pre-Course Requirements

Delegates are asked to prepare a 5-minute presentation on a subject of any choice to present during the course.

Guided Learning Hours

A minimum of 6 guided learning hours are required for this course.

Form of Assessment

Candidates will be observed delivering a five-minute presentation and will be assessed based on the key concepts of the programme. Candidates will also observe and provide feedback on the other group members’ presentations. On successful completion of this course, you will receive a Trainer Training certificate.


  • Role of Training in the Organisation
  • Learning Process
  • Planning of a Training Session
  • Presentations
  • Developing a Training Session
  • Question Technique
  • Consolidating a Training Session
  • Visual Aids