Introduction To Food Service Skills


This qualification is designed principally for all staff involved in the service of food in the hospitality industry.

It is also suitable for young people preparing for work experience and people with no previous employment history who would like to work in this industry.

This practical training will deliver instant impact and holders of the qualification will have the knowledge and skills to enable them to work as an effective food server in hospitality.

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Funding may be available - Contact us

Funding Enquiry

I have read and accept the DG Training data protection policy.

Attendee #1
Attendee #2
Attendee #3
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Attendee #13
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Attendee #15
Attendee #16
Attendee #17
Attendee #18
Attendee #19
Attendee #20

Guided Learning Hours

A minimum of 3 guided learning hours are required for this course.

Form of Assessment

There is no formal examination for this course but candidate participation in the activities during the course is essential for certification. On successful completion of this course, candidates will receive an Introduction to Food Service Skills certificate.


  • To increase both skill and confidence in serving at a table
  • To demonstrate ability in carrying plates, serving and clearing tables
  • To match food accompaniments


  • Table settings – how to set a table to the industry standard
  • Taking customer orders utilising menus
  • How to carry three and more plates
  • How to serve a table
  • How to clear a table
  • The accompaniment game