Highfield Manual Handling


Nearly all jobs involve some element of manual handling. Injuries as a result of manual handling equate to over one-third of all workplace injuries. This course provides the knowledge and skills to avoid you becoming a part of that statistic.

This qualification is aimed at all staff, and is suitable for employee inductions, refresher training or anyone who will be involved in manual handling as part of their job role.

On completion of the e-learning course, learners will be assessed by multiple-choice questions. Learners will receive a Highfield e-learning completion certificate, which is downloadable upon successfully finishing the course.


Learner details

Guided Learning hours

Approximately 30-40 minutes are required to complete this e-learning course.

Form of Assessment

On completion of the e-learning course, learners will be assessed by multiple-choice questions. Learners will receive a Highfield e-learning completion certificate, which is downloadable upon successfully finishing the course.


    • The definition of manual handling
    • The LITE stairway to safety
    • Safe lifting techniques
    • Correcting lifting techniques
    • Lifting with more than one person
    • Examples of manual handling