Customer Service


Approved by CPD

Customer service is the act of taking care of the customer’s needs by providing and delivering professional, helpful, high quality service and assistance before, during, and after the customer’s requirements are met.

But how is this done?

How do you ensure it’s consistent across your business?

What are the benefits of delivering great customer service?

This course will start by making it very clear exactly what we mean by customer service, and why it’s so vital. It then goes into detail about the goals of great customer service, communication skills both verbal and non-verbal, discovering and understanding customer needs and much more.


Guided Learning Hours

Approximately 75 minutes are required for this course.

Form of Assessment

A short test concludes each module. A passmark of 70% for each module is required to successfully pass the course.


  • About the Course
  • What is Customer Service
  • The Goals of Customer Service
  • Discovering and Understanding Customer Needs
  • Delivering Maximum Levels of Customer Service
  • Making Customers Feel Great from the Start
  • Communication Skills
  • Non-verbal Communication and Body Language
  • Dealing with Customer Complaints