The latest addition to our suite of qualifications is the Online Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders (APLH).
The Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders is designed principally for those who work or want to work as a Personal Licence Holder in England or Wales. The qualification meets the requirements of the legislation Licensing Act 2003 and will support an application for a Personal Licence.
On successful completion of the learning, candidates register to sit the Laser Learning Awards Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders exam which will be required to apply for their Personal Licence.
The examination will be delivered directly to the candidate via the internet and invigilated using screen sharing and web cam. There is a single examination for this certificate comprising of 40 multiple-choice questions. The duration of the examination is 60 minutes. Certificates will be awarded to those candidates who achieve 28 marks or more. Candidates who score 27 marks or below will be given the opportunity to re-sit the examination.