Scottish Licensing Resources
To help you meet the requirements of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 and The Licensing (Training of Staff) (Scotland) Regulations 2007, we have resources available for you to purchase or download.
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An excellent resource for personal licence holders and trainers: A Question of Licensing for Scotland provides 2 hours of licensing training for staff who sell or serve alcohol (as required by Scottish law).
The book also includes a tear-out training record which can be used to demonstrate proof of training.
Refusals Register
When refusing the sale of alcohol it is good practice to record the details. A refusal log is important because it shows that you are complying with the law for age-restricted products and acts as evidence should you need to prove that you actively enforce the Challenge 25 policy.
This downloadable Refusals Register can be used.
Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (SCPLH) Mock Examination
This mock examination will help prepare candidates for the Scottish Personal Licence Holders examination.
Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders Refresher (SCPLHR) Mock Examination
This mock examination will help prepare candidates for the Scottish Personal Licence Holders Refresher (SCPLHR) examination.
Age Verification Policy
In October 2011, the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 was amended to introduce a new mandatory condition for all premises licences and occasional licences. This means that there must be an age verification policy in relation to the sale of alcohol on the premises. The law has set a minimum age of 25 years for the policy so, where it appears to the person selling the alcohol that the customer may be under the age of 25 years, they are required to ask them for identification to prove that they are over the age of 18 and can lawfully purchase alcohol.
An Age Verification Policy must be signed and dated by every member of staff involved in the sale and service of alcohol.
Challenge 25 Brochure
In October 2011, the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 was amended to introduce a new mandatory condition for all premises licences and occasional licences. This means that there must be an age verification policy in relation to the sale of alcohol on the premises. The law has set a minimum age of 25 years for the policy so, where it appears to the person selling the alcohol that the customer may be under the age of 25 years, they are required to ask them for identification to prove that they are over the age of 18 and can lawfully purchase alcohol.
This brochure will tell you all you need to know about age verification and Challenge 25.
Challenge 25 Poster
It is a legal requirement that an A4 Challenge 25 Poster is displayed in a prominent place in all licensed premises in Scotland.