As of 1 October 2013, the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 were amended, removing the requirement for HSE to approve first aid training and qualifications. This means that businesses now have more flexibility in how they manage their provision of first aid in the workplace.
An employer will still need to make an assessment of their first-aid needs to establish what provision for first aid is required. This will depend upon the workplace, taking into account, among other things, the number of employees, size, location and work activity.
All training providers will need to be able to demonstrate how they satisfy the criteria set by HSE. Clarity in this area will be beneficial to both employers and first aid training providers. However, the Health and Safety at Work Act clearly places a duty on the employer to select a competent training provider.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is not required to approve first aid training and qualifications, but it does provide a due diligence checklist to help you choose a reputable training provider. We have completed the relevant details to reassure you that our training meets the requirements.